Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving, 2011

Rena, Bob, JP, Jackie, Benjamin and Brandon came to visit for the Thanksgiving weekend. We had dinner at our house and went to Kathy and Clif's home for after dinner/dessert visit. Dirks cheesecake was "to die for"!

I took a few pictures while we were there.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The River at Dusk

Daylight Savings time almost made me miss this completely!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

It was another beautiful day on the coast. Makes it hard to choose pictures! These are but a few. After the beach, I went to visit Clif in the hospital again. He didn't want me to take his picture! I hope they find out what is wrong soon. It has been over two months!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

If I Had a Day, That I Could Give To You

I'd give to you a day just like today! I met a man on the beach tonight who hasn't seen the ocean in twenty-two years! And what a night for him to see it after all that time. It couldn't have been more beautiful. If I had had a dy that I could have given to him, it would have been this one.

In fact, if I was only given this one day, this one sunset to fill my whole life - it would have been enough. It is only a sign of how lucky I am that this is only one of many.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Day with Friends

Today we went out on the Siuslaw River almost to the ocean on our friends' pontoon boat. Ken and Gary dropped the crab rings. filled with turkey legs, into the water in several places. Then they fished for a little while while they waited for the crabs to come to the feast. I, on the other hand did absolutley nothing but kick back, relax and enjoy the beautiful day. After pulling up baskets of crabs several times, we ended up with 10 keepers and what seemed like hundreds of rejects (females or undersized). Then we went back to their home on the river and ate a wonderful variety of snacks and drank several sips of wine for "Happy Hour" while getting ready for the main course. The crab and melted butter were delicious (Isn't anything dipped in melted butter delicious?) Add warm sour dough bread, homemade coleslaw and beans and you, literally, have a finger licking good meal! A day in the sun, wonderful food, good wine and great friends sitting around a campfire talking - does it get any better?